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I was inspired by the simple beauty of the script. Two people meet in the midst of dire circumstances and discover a friendship that transcends language, politics and culture. A positive note in an often cynical world. Rory Wilton

It's emotional and beautifully written, it's also a story that affects everyone as everyone has a connection to world war 1 and 2 as we've all had family/ancestors that were involved so it's kinda cool to step into their shoes, not literally but to even get a sense of what they went through is one hell of an experience, and not only do I believe in the script I believe in you mate and your vision for the story. Joe Bryant

I have always been obsessed with researching the WWs 1 & 2. It goes back to when I was 16 and was in a play called 'Hanging on the old Barbed wire'. Not only do I LOVE the area if done well I love watching War films and series. This is simply beautiful and tells a story that can relate to many lives of the WW. Xxx.  Kirsty J Curtis

Utterly captivating....
For me, I was touched and deeply moved by the young sergeants daughter who was able to live a long fruitful life, because of her father, and as a testament to the sacrifice of her Father and his fellow soldiers.
It's a beautiful story...ultimately about love....It runs through us all, no matter what side of the battle we are on.

I will be thinking about this for days to come... Ryan Green

I have felt passionately about being involved in this production since first reading the emotive script. It is a story of love and friendship against the odds but also a searing insight into the sheer horror of the front lines in The Great War, the scale of the loss that generation endured and the madness of some of the decisions made without thought for needless loss of precious life.  Jon Woodrow

I had family that fought to protect the values we often take for granted yet still hold dear. ELEVEN reminded me of the futility of war coupled with the stories of humanity on both sides, even in such dire circumstances. The lions who were so brave....ordered to their demise by the clueless donkeys in charge of their fate.  Sen Monro

In all honesty, I have run around in soldiers uniform before on film, and it is a form of playing. When in uniform with others outside elbows deep in mud, it gives a tantalising taste of what my forbearers went through, but in the back of your mind you know it's safe. When I think that my Grandad did this for real in World War II rather than the great war, it is mind blowing. I really like the message the script brings, it stoked my anger at how futile it all was and how wasteful of precious lives the high command could be. It also has some deft touches of humanity, which is ultimately what this is about. Jamie Lee Hill

When I first read this script I was Totally blown away by it, and still am. It is a beautifully written masterpiece that not only express the horrors of world war 1 but also the love and companionship between its fellow soilders. I can imagine that I speak for everyone when I say that I was brought up on war stories. My Great Grandfather was rescued from the battle of the Somme and was one of the lucky ones who lived to tell his story. My Grandad was Rescued from the beaches of Dunkirk and my father was a prison Guard at Berlin Spandeau prison guarding Nazi Rudolf Hess and Albert spear . On a personal note I am very excited to be working with Rock again. He is very Talented and an absolute Gentleman. I have loved watching " Eleven " take its shape from a Fantastic script to the inclusion of Caitlyn Grey beautiful Song and finally it's amazing cast. I am very honoured to be a part of this Team and project x. Derek Carey Vernon

 It's a beautiful tale about the horrors of war that intelligently and emotionally explores the struggles on both sides. The script eloquently tells a wonderful story of how human values, relationships and sentiment can transgress even the harshest of circumstances. Nothing is black and white in war and it was the deep understanding of this coupled with the superb writing that made me jump at a chance to be involved x  Elanor Miller

Some words from our actors and crew

I was immediately taken with the script of Eleven for a number of key reasons. At it’s core is true heart - amid the obvious conflict of war there is the inner conflict of the key characters and their ongoing internal battles. The piece exudes themes of love, friendship and forgiveness, as well as the need to learn from past mistakes, to make sure that nothing like this can ever happen again. Beautifully written and perfectly timed, it has a personal message for everyone. Richard Dee Roberts

As a Frenchman, my country got deeply affected by the Great War and many brave men died fighting for freedom and liberty . Families got destroyed by this horrific event .ELEVEN is a beautifully crafted script who embodies a true message of hope , understanding , love , compassion and friendship in the mist of adversity in a very difficult period in the history of mankind .Love will always be victorious and this wonderful film will send a very strong and moving message to the world about reaching out and to love one another. Guillaume Rivaud

ELEVEN is a very moving Film about the last two hours before the end of WW1, in which Germany was heavily involved. To see the men lose their lives within so close a reach of peace and freedom is heartbreaking and this story needs to be told to show that these things really happened and are still happening around the world. Everyday, men die for the madness of war. I love to be part of such an important message and when I look at the numerous white crosses of lifes that were taken and lifes that were ripped apart by losing somebody close, I think we must neverstop to remember the people who died and die every day for the Madness of war. Anna Scherliess

I would just like to say that 'Eleven' is a beautifully written and very important piece and Rock Salt as well as being a fine actor he is fast becoming a recognisable writing talent. I am hugely honoured to be involved x Sean Cronin

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